Get rid of the trash to make room for the treasures. Let the things that are important take center stage.
— Peter Walsh

More time spent with the people that you love and less time cleaning and keeping up with your home.


Intentionally setting your home up with rhythms and systems to make your everyday life seamless as you go about your day.


I’m Jen, the owner of Purposely Simple! I found the art of living simply in the summer of 2016 before my 2nd son was born. I was stressed to the max as a stay at home mom trying to keep up with my house. I felt like I was always cleaning and never enjoying my family. It started with the TV. Out the door. Then the many toys that my 2 yr old would only dump out and not play with. Then went the clothes that I thought I would maybe, eventually, get into after having babies. Then the useless kitchen appliances that were only taking up space. I kept going and I found that I was less grumpy and everyone was enjoying our home and the things that we put in it! Let me help you do the same!